This Romance Anime Will DESTROY You Emotionally

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31 Просмотры
I want to eat your pancreas or Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai is a romance anime movie that will leave you in tears about Haruki Shiga and Sakura Yamauchi. A beautiful sad anime that's kind of like your lie in april or shigatsu wa kimi no uso or if you like a silent voice (koe no katachi) or even your name and plastic memories. Gigguk has made a video about this that I recommend #romanceanime #anime #manga #yourlieinapril #iwanttoeatyourpancreas

Tiktok: @kitotok2

Here's a wholesome romance anime to watch:
Anime / Manga / Light Novel / Visual Novel: Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai - I Want To Eat Your Pancreas - 君の膵臓をたべたい - KimiSui
BGM: tiny light by kito akari from tbhk (toilet bound hanako-kun) + Cyberpunk edgerunners I really want to stay at your house
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